

Celebrate Indie Docs

Nov 14, 2024

Come celebrate independent documentaries with American Documentary, the organization that brings you POV, POV Shorts, and America ReFramed. Your participation supports and protects independent filmmaking and the filmmakers that continue to amplify diverse and authentic voices, stories and perspectives.

AmDoc GalaFest 2024 will be a joyous gathering of people who value storytelling by diverse filmmakers and the great potential it holds for expanding knowledge, understanding, and empathy.

Since its founding in 1987, AmDoc has helped hundreds of rising filmmakers be seen and heard. The legacy continues as more filmmakers are included in our annual curated programming, and as our growing group of alumni continue on their individual storytelling journeys while fundamentally impacting the documentary-making ecosystem.

Let’s honor the past, rejoice in the present, and together build the future of American Documentary.

Be a part of AmDoc GalaFest 2024. Support AmDoc as a sponsor and encourage others to get their sponsorships or tickets. Let’s eat, drink, dance, and celebrate together on November 14!

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Optional Sponsors List Section

Optional Sponsors List Section

Gala Sponsorship Levels

20 Tickets
  • Logo on Step and Repeat
  • Full Page Ad In Digital Journal
  • Premiere Placement of Logo/Name on all printed materials, AmDoc Website, Social Media Posts, Signage and Recognition during program at the Event
12 Tickets
  • Logo on Step and Repeat
  • Full Page Ad in Digital Journal
  • Prominent Placement of Logo/Name on all printed materials, AmDoc Website, Social Media Posts, Signage and Recognition during program at the Event
10 Tickets
  • Logo on Step and Repeat
  • Full Page Ad in Digital Journal
  • Logo/Name Placement on all printed materials, AmDoc Website, Social Media Posts, Signage and Recognition during program at the Event
8 Tickets
  • Full Page Ad in Digital Journal
  • Logo/Name Placement on all printed materials, AmDoc Website, Social Media Posts, Signage at the Event
5 Tickets
  • Full Page Ad in Digital Journal
  • Logo/Name Placement on all printed materials, AmDoc Website, Social Media Posts, Signage at the Event

Ticket Levels

  • One reserved seat at the event
  • Name on event invitation and program
  • One reserved seat at the event
  • Name on event program
  • One reserved seat at the event